Massage, Touch, Tantra, Energy & Shared Awareness

Posts tagged ‘Weight Loss’

Massage, Fitness & Curiosity

Squeeze - CopyTantra, Fitness & Curiosity

This email has been on my list for inclusion for the past year. Now seems a good time to post it.
It’s an email from a reader who explains that after a year of regular relaxation massage he became increasingly motivated to improve his body image and state of mind. The content speaks for itself. I haven’t edited his remarks, which convey a sincere message.
He wonders whether his thoughts are ‘tantric enough’. I replied to him when he wrote, saying that his experiences were entirely reflective of Tantric possibilities.
Regaining a physical comfort level is very much a matter of continued realistic commitment and motivation.
Tantric practice can promote and combine a relaxed state of mind with a non-judgemental physical awareness, and can contribute to a progressive and lasting change in outlook and health.
Tantric practice makes no claims based on accepted scientific method but the following email does suggest that happy endings come in many disguises.
Subject: Massage for fitness

Hey Colin, You might like this for your web site.

Its the new year 2014 and I remembered my new year rezolutions a year ago. It was to lose some weight and try to get fitter.

I am a family man with grown kids out of the home and I had become a couch cabbage. I’d tried jogging and gyms and all sorts of things but nothing seemed to stick so I’d almost given up. I got talking to a casual friend who seemed in better shape than me and he said he’d been going for massage regularly for a couple of years and he’d found that it made him more active and also relaxed in himself at the same time.

I thought he might be joking with me like he was suggesting something wierd and he might be talking about ladies and happy endings but he wasn’t although he said so far the results had been happy.

He gave me the number of the guy that he’d been visitng for massage and I called it after feeling even more over stuffed from Christmas. I did mention my friend and that I was looking to get in better shape. It seemed a bit unlikely that massage could do what I wanted but my friend seemed to have become fitter and so maybe there was a secret. Also I was a bit nervous about getting massage from another guy but I was curious in my mind and I’ll admit to some mixed feelings.

Long story short I made an appointment and had a great complete massage. The masseur – I’ll skip his name – didn’t make the slightest personal remark although I told him that I was feeling overweight and tired. The time on the table was completely relaxing and I rebooked another visit.

I visited many times in the year and found that because I had to be undressed during the sessions which I began to enjoy I began to take more interest in my weight and as the sessions relaxed me I started to become more interested in diet and excercize.

I dropped more than 10 lbs. during the year. I think it was a result of the massage making me more conscious of myself and motivating me even though my massage buddy never made a remark. I get on well with him and I think I’ve found the same experience as my friend.

Not sure if this is tantric enough for you but it might also work for other guys who can’t find things that work. I won’t mention all of the massage techniques that I’ve enjoyed but they beat a lot of other excercize options. Also no problem with having a guy massaging me. I’ll just say that it’s really helped me relax and enjoy my curious side.


Ps: I’m in Calgary but expect to semi retire in a couple of years so maybe I’ll visit you.