Massage, Touch, Tantra, Energy & Shared Awareness

Tantra, True Self & Reality

 Today we assume multiple masks and identities – real and virtual. From internet identities that hide our real selves from the world, to different personas for work, home and leisure, we must increasingly juggle our user names, masks and realities. With all this identity juggling there is a risk of losing the connection with ‘true self’.

For many the inclusion of Tantric practice, as a private and regular component of ‘real life’, can be the connection that supports and maintains consciousness of ‘true self’. It’s a connection that can provide unique opportunities to interact on the very personal and physical levels that are often rare or impossible in other day to day or virtual contexts.

Tantric practice, through touch and personal interaction, allows the safe, comfortable, fun and enjoyable removal of the masks that hide ‘true self’. At the same time it preserves and creates the opportunities and freedoms that can come with renewed self discovery, and the happier energies hiding behind our preferred disguises.

For the chance to re-imagine and rediscover feel most welcome to call, share and visit.





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