Massage, Touch, Tantra, Energy & Shared Awareness

Posts tagged ‘BDSM’

Time & Tantra

Time & Tantra

Tantric practice encourages the idea of an ‘experience’ rather than a ‘session’, whether or not the time is in massage, ritual, discovery or any combination of Tantric practice.

Such experience is timeless – in that the experience tends to find its own unique pace and is not necessarily divided into hourly segments.

For this reason ‘clock watching’ is not part of Tantric experience. The idea is to provide an experience to relax the mind and body and thereby raise physical consciousness and heighten awareness. How this develops in any individual will be unique to the moment and certainly the benefit can be defeated by watching the clock too closely. That’s not to say that time constraints are not a reality to be respected at times. Just that experiences, short or long, need not necessarily be measured by the clock.

If Tantric practice requires anything from followers, those requirements, at least, are an open and curious mind and a generosity of spirit. So we always approach experiential time with generosity not measured by hours and minutes.

Sometimes the experience will last long – other times it maybe shorter.  Always, though, it will be a unique experience – never a ‘timed session’.  We don’t always have to make the massage ‘run on time’!



Tel:           250-984-7051






Sticky Labels, Fantasy & Happy Places

MassageOilOne of the most common barriers in seeking peace of mind is the construction of a fence of labels in the mind.

These labels are often simply flimsy figments of  imagination, ready to be blown away with a puff of positive energy.

Often, potential peace of mind is denied by imagining and internalizing a self identity – a label that seems to fit in a personal universe.

But are the labels really useful and a best fit? If there are too many mismatches it can be uncomfortable to exist in the world. Since it’s more difficult to change the world than it is to change a few psychic assumptions, Tantric practice works on taking  thoughts to more productive and happier places – and so to greater peace of mind.

Tantra deals with personal energy and life forces. Conscious energy and involuntary energy.

The strongest of these energies is sexual energy and the labeling of sexual preferences, fantasies and thoughts often creates much confusion.

Thoughts and fantasies can change, recur, renew etc., as time passes. Self images are created as a fit with what exists in any personal daily universe. The image is purposefully self created  but does not always mesh with other involuntary thoughts and fantasies.

What to do? The excluded thoughts and images just don’t go away. It’s not that those thoughts and fantasies are dangerous, unlawful or harmful to self or others. It’s just that they don’t match the self image. So, quite often the thoughts and energies are buried in the back of the mind. But they don’t cease to exist.

Such burials can be a waste of energy and can distract from a peaceful and productive existence.

Tantric practice and massage can help to resurrect and  find a useful place for such buried energy. It can find a map to hidden treasures – the acceptance of self, and greater peace of mind.

Tantric practice is about the conscious and enjoyable control of the energies that inevitably play in the mind and body. Always the most powerful and fascinating of those energies is sexual energy. It is disabling to deny that fact and enabling to control and enjoy it.

The suppression and pigeonholing of thoughts can be paralyzing. Tantric practice offers the chance to safely explore thoughts and fantasies and to include them in real life. To make them fit with self image.

To erase some of the useless labels. To learn to enjoy some fantasies and find some happy places.


Tel: 250-984-7051
