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Posts tagged ‘Mutual’

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Time & Tantra

Time & Tantra

Tantric practice encourages the idea of an ‘experience’ rather than a ‘session’, whether or not the time is in massage, ritual, discovery or any combination of Tantric practice.

Such experience is timeless – in that the experience tends to find its own unique pace and is not necessarily divided into hourly segments.

For this reason ‘clock watching’ is not part of Tantric experience. The idea is to provide an experience to relax the mind and body and thereby raise physical consciousness and heighten awareness. How this develops in any individual will be unique to the moment and certainly the benefit can be defeated by watching the clock too closely. That’s not to say that time constraints are not a reality to be respected at times. Just that experiences, short or long, need not necessarily be measured by the clock.

If Tantric practice requires anything from followers, those requirements, at least, are an open and curious mind and a generosity of spirit. So we always approach experiential time with generosity not measured by hours and minutes.

Sometimes the experience will last long – other times it maybe shorter.  Always, though, it will be a unique experience – never a ‘timed session’.  We don’t always have to make the massage ‘run on time’!



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