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Tantra, Fetish & Kink

Tantric Fetish & Kink

Tantric massage can often be an experience of connecting the mind to the body..

The pace of life today often seems to block consciousness of the pleasure of physical sensations. Consciousness of self, as an erotic being, can be at risk.

Tantric massage and touch can re-awaken erotic consciousness and Tantric Practice is very much about heightening erotic physical and mental awareness.

Within the Tantric experience, massage, perhaps, has the broadest appeal, but the opportunity also exists to delve deeper into Tantric sensation potentials.

As the mind begins to make more space for sensual and erotic stimulation, and as mental and physical awareness is heightened, the imagination of the erotic begins to challenge the physical body – thoughts of making fantasies into realities.

Within Tantric Practice it is possible to raise the sensitivity and expand the erogenous potentials of the body.

Over time body and mind become more conscious of erotic potential and imagination begins to expand horizons. More fantasy can enter the door of consciousness that Tantric Practice has opened, enabling opportunities to actualize fantasies.

Actualization of erotic imagery is often described, sometimes quite dismissively, as ‘kinky’ or ‘fetish’. But imagination should not be dismissed so easily.

Kinks and fetishes are entirely Tantric and are as valuable and valid as any part of erotic imagination.

It’s often difficult to discuss particular ‘turn-ons’, imagining that such thoughts are outside of a Tantric experience. The truth is that actualization of erotic imagery, however ‘kinky’ or ‘fetish’ it might seem, (with the obvious exceptions of activity that is not lawful, sane, safe or consensual) is welcomed in Tantra and is regarded as the positive product of sensual and erotic imagination. Where actualization needs to happen with a partner, the participation of a guide in Tantric Practice can be the perfect solution.

To all who enjoy the world of Tantric Practice and massage, feel welcome to share thoughts about actualizing fantasies and finding comfort in every experience.


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