Massage, Touch, Tantra, Energy & Shared Awareness

Posts tagged ‘m4m massage’

New Growth

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New Growth

As summer approaches there is renewed hope that sunshine and vaccines can carry us to a more optimistic place.

Caution is still the watchword and changes and scars will remain with us.

However, we can carefully begin to tear aside some of the most restrictive – and necessary – precautions that have served us well in the past months.

We’ll be able to reveal new growth and renewed energies.

Spring, hope and fresh thoughts are returning.


Tel:           250-984-7051



It’s Not Over Yet…

It’s Not Over Yet

It’s no fun to acknowledge this fact but clearly there is still some distance to travel before we can re-enter a world of more relaxed and comfortable socializing.

But, as ever, ‘necessity’ has been, and can continue to be in 2021, the ‘mother of invention’.

As many day-to-day routine activities have slowed, virtual communication – from chat to email – has yielded thoughts and ideas for which, previously, there hasn’t always been time.

With safety always the uppermost of considerations in this particular ‘Tantric Bubble’ we can celebrate avoidance of Covid-19 related symptoms and difficulties.

And now, with the increasing availability of effective vaccination there will be evermore possibilities to a return to more personal activities.

The absolute intention, going forward, is to maintain this level of continued safety and comfort. At the same time we’ll continue  to explore and encourage all new ideas and communications so that we can continue to exchange and imagine the safest of connections throughout 2021.

There are new ideas, yet to be posted, that can add some extra comfort and pleasure to 2021. If you have ideas and thoughts that you would like to add, please don’t hesitate to call or email.

So, with some optimism, there is space for celebration and to welcome a continuation of everything that can provide safe and comfortable pleasure.



New Normals

New Normals

Care and Safety will always continue to be the most important watch-words, going forward.

But within those boundaries Tantric life and imagination can continue to flourish.

As always, whether virtually or in physical space, it’s important to allow the mind and imagination to continue to wander freely. So do continue to call and email.

If you have thoughts or experiences that you would like to share with other readers, please do send them and, for inspiration, I will be so pleased to add them to this blog. Your connections are always so welcome.



Now, more than ever…

…the certainty and comfort of safety is so important.

Happily, here, all has certainly remained safe, and in messages and calls, safe experiences and imaginings have been increasingly shared.

Past ‘normals’ may never return but ‘new normals’ are being imagined. It’s possible to be comfortable, safe and alive to new possibilities.

These can be positive times of comfortable rediscovery – accepting and safely enjoying personal preferences and refreshing acceptance and concern for the preferences of others.

Please always continue to feel welcome to connect and imagine.




Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day

It’s time to enjoy a day away from work and worries and to remember those who keep our world spinning and can’t take the day off.

To all who have called and connected in the past few weeks – it’s so good to know you’re well and to be able to confirm that all remains safe and well, here.

Do continue to call and email. Our times are changing but prioritizing safe and comfortable contact will always be an unchanging priority.




Update & Virtual Energy

Update & Virtual Energy

Times are changing once again.

There is a longing to return to a past normality.

Most likely, though, we will be journeying to a new normality of pleasure where we are more informed and more focused. It will be a conscious and deliberate journey.

Awareness will be the watchword whenever physical visits recommence – and in Tantric practice there is so much pleasure and energy contained in the concept of Conscious Awareness.

The energy that has continued for the past weeks has been virtual but nonetheless deliberate and open.

Fantasy has often pleasingly ruled.

It’s been an opportunity to send thoughts and express imaginings and desires by mediums not normally closely associated with Tantric practice.

Emails and phone calls have been ever-present and personal, and every communication has been so unique and valuable.

As we begin to see the shape of things to come do feel as welcome as ever to call or write and plan for the new Tantric reality, visits and interactions.

The energy of anticipation and clear desires for the near future bring so much to the massage table.

It’s reassuring to report that all is and has been well here and that the many past visitors who have communicated over the past weeks have confirmed stories of good health and intelligent understanding.

When the doors reopen a special welcome awaits. If you have thoughts and ideas for the future now is a good time to share them.

Hopefully, we’ll soon be back ‘in touch’.






At this uniquely difficult time it is so important to maintain a clear understanding of recommended and mandated social practices, concerns and comfort levels.

All aspects of daily life, ranging from personal to peripheral, and in community, must be uppermost in our consciousness.

Therefore, for the peace of mind and safety of all, appointment availability for new visitors is not possible at this time. Hopefully it will not be too long before new visitors can again be welcomed.

For regular and familiar visitors, please do feel as welcome as ever to call or email to discuss safe and socially responsible visit possibilities in the future, as well as preferences, memories and suggestions.   

Your continued connection will always provide the opportunity for updates, new options and welcome news of your continued well-being.

Stay safely and happily aware.



Phone:  250-984-7051

Contact Colin – 250-984-7051

TouchIn a quiet, warm room, your massage is enhanced with a full body, hot towel table bath, warm oil, shower and complete relaxation.

Shower and all facilities are available and sessions are untimed – stay as long as your schedule allows. Massage is always slow and relaxing. Simply an exchange and flow of positive energy.

This is a space to safely explore imagination.  All orientations, adult ages and genders are welcome.

Location and parking is easy and safe.

Within this blog are more detailed descriptions of the possibilities of Tantric Massage. Many postings – but not all  –  require a password to read, so do scroll to the end. Simply email the title to and I’ll send the password. Your curiosity is welcome.

Contact Colin at: 250-984-7051 or email:

Protected: 4 Hands Massage

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Protected: Group Gatherings

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2020 and…

…thanks to everybody who visited throughout this past year, attending Tantric gatherings and workshops and sharing thoughts and energies individually or in group and social settings. It was one of the best years ever, making realities of so many fantasies.

Every visit and every moment was truly a unique pleasure.

Plans for 2020 are filled with new and original opportunities to share and expand personal and exciting preferences.

For many, today’s times are stressful and uncertain. Opportunities for personal pleasure can often seem remote and unlikely. With this very much in mind, locating safe and accessible space and experience is so important.

In 2020, therefore, a simple call will continue to lead to a discreet oasis of shared energy, like-minded company and sustained pleasure, in addition to the heightened physical awareness that Tantric touch always provides.

Looking forward to the best that 2020 has to offer and sharing time and energy with friends, existing and new.


Tel:        250-984-7051




Curious guy enjoying massage

Here’s a self explanatory message which has much in common with the experiences of many others. Posted for interest and typical of many messages sent to this site.
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2019 3:56 PM
To: Colin . <>

Subject: Curious guy enjoying massage

Here’s my experience, Colin. I’m not of the younger generation any longer and am new to receiving massage and I’ve been experimenting about what works best for me.

I’ve found massage from any experienced provider can be very interesting for any curious guy. I think men often know better where men like to be touched. That can also be true of female providers as well but I’m finding a special satisfaction with male providers. Of course that’s just me. It’s always good to be open minded and try new things in life particularly at this stage in my life. Below are some benefits that I’ve found and it doesn’t matter the gender of the professional.

On a physical level massage touch can help to relax tight muscles and improve circulation, nervous function and joint mobility.

On an emotional level I’ve found the interesting touch I often had problems finding safely. This has relaxed my mind and reduced my stress and made me feel valued again. At a deeper level, massage has helped release bad energies trapped in my body and mind. Hope to visit you one day. It seems like I would enjoy meeting you. Hugh.

Pride – August 2019

This email was a pleasure to receive and I am delighted to accept the invitation to post it here.
The Vancouver Pride celebrations were, as always, a high point in the year. The weather was on our side as well as the energy.
David describes his personal experience and it was a pleasure to spend the time with him and the others.
He’s in good company as a retired guy who finds limited opportunities for safe self expression. Engagement with Tantric practice in massage, ritual or simply conversational contexts can create so many personal opportunities.
As ever, email or call if you’d like further information on all this.


From: David

Sent: Monday, August 26, 2019 1:14 PM
To: Colin . <>
Subject: Pride

Hi Colin
This is David.
I’ve emailed M, K & J separately and am using initials only in case you choose to put this on your website which you are welcome to do.
My experience over the Pride days in Vancouver was everything I hoped it would be, and more.
As you know, I’d talked at length to M & K about imagining participating in the ‘fantasy’ experience with you all in Vancouver and on parade day.
As a family guy in his mid 60’s and widowed for a few years, I’ve been belatedly exploring my sexuality and have found that tantric approaches have added much to my understanding and comfort. This led me to the suggestion by my tantric guide in Vancouver, R, that I contact M & K to explore their ‘fantasy’ possibilities over the Vancouver Pride activities.
When I was married and with a young family there was little opportunity to focus on the unexplored aspects of my sexual thinking and appetite.
Over the past 3 years I’ve realized that I am fascinated with the energies of all people, as a male, and not just traditional heterosexual energies.
In my introduction to tantric massage and the group settings, which are often naked and mostly male, along with others in the gatherings I found myself as fascinated with the male form, touch, and energy as I’ve been with female company for most of my life.
I have chosen not to form any intimate relationships with other males, or females, but increasingly have allowed my curiosity about my sexuality to be present in my thinking.
It was with this in my mind that I contacted M & K, recommended by R  (I think you know him) as an experienced male/female couple with a unique approach to my curiosity.
I met with them and explained my background and questions. They were so understanding of my dilemmas and, after listening to me, suggested I participate in their ‘fantasy’ activity over the Pride parade weekend.
They described this would be an opportunity for me to open myself to many of my thoughts and to safely make them a reality. I had explained what I have been thinking was too strange to contemplate making real. M & K explained to me that my desire to share myself, almost naked, and to observe others similarly motivated, was not strange at all and was very much part of many of the energies that Pride represented. To see and be seen, without negative judgment and with pride and to be comfortably and socially accepted.
I was one of 2 guys who M & K agreed to support in this experience, as you know. I hadn’t met the other ‘fantasist’ – initial J – before. Although much younger than me we soon found much in common, as you know, and I came to understand that my ‘strange’ personal thoughts were not so strange.
I just wanted to convey to everybody involved how much I appreciated the comfort of the house and the attention and support that I received. It was worth every penny and time so well spent.
The Sunday, including watching the parade and joining the crowds on the Vancouver streets was just fantastic. Although at first I was so nervous (I think we all were) to shed nearly all of my clothes and wear only a small material covering over my more personal parts, I soon accepted that I was in good company and I was able to enjoy what was a unique experience and energy. I’ll never experience Davie Street in the same way again!
I think my confidence was supported by the presence of so many people with similar objectives. I’m sure the majority were not novices in the way that I was but I did feel a sense of public welcome. So many smiles and reassurances from people we met. And we returned the positive energy in the same way.
I was encouraged simply to follow my imagination. For the first time in my life I openly embraced the energy of attraction to all who engaged with me without reference to gender or appearance. It was so refreshing. I walked with K, topless and as exposed as I was, proud in sharing her wonderful energy. And I walked just as happily with J and yourself and other males, similarly pleased to be sharing the energy of the Pride streets.
I think the energy of acceptance and allowing our exposed bodies to speak our thoughts and minds was so clear.
So again I thank you all for changing this part of my life. Naturally I’m going to continue with my tantric journey and I wholeheartedly encourage any who fear the confusion that can come with questions of personal sexuality to find a safe place – perhaps in a tantric practice group, and begin to find yourself.
It was such a pleasure to meet you and If you are moved to publish this email on your blog, which I’ve really enjoyed reading, you must feel comfortable including it. I hope you’ll have some time for me to visit you next time I’m in Victoria.
Thank you again,

Safe Space

Safe Space

The search for safe and intimate comfort can be challenging.

The possibilities and choices to find such comfort can seem to be frustratingly limited.

The occasional enjoyment of bodywork and massage is satisfying but often all too brief.

As acceptance grows that, as individuals, our sexual and sensual identities are broad and legitimate, so, also, do the opportunities to enjoy and actualize seem frustratingly narrow.

While the virtual world of internet and keyboard driven images can help in beginning to focus preferences, it’s not an environment that makes it easy to discretely  and safely enjoy one’s newly discovered ‘self’ in the physical world.

The virtual world simply does not reciprocate the energy pounded into the keyboard.

This year, more than ever, opportunities have emerged that have allowed visitors, here, to take the time, safely and openly, to explore and enjoy aspects of their sensuality that are, all too often, difficult to express in less open contexts.

The chance to laze and gaze in a shared and non-judgmental environment, where no clock is ticking, is difficult to discover.

While it shouldn’t be so difficult to find comfortable space to share thoughts and preferences, when sensual self discovery is the goal the choices can be very limited.

I’ve heard this frequently over the past couple of years from wonderful visitors who have returned to share and spend extended overnight visits.

Such visits have provided a chance to temporarily exclude the outside world and often to actualize thoughts and newly discovered preferences – to build confidence and bring new peace of mind.

While this will always be a place of timeless massage it can also be a place of endless sensuality, self expression, company and comfort.

Beats any impersonal hotel, airbnb or website.

Just email or call to enjoy.


Tel:    250-984-7051







Erotic Choices

Erotic Choices

These remarks perhaps move outside conventional Tantric definitions but are nonetheless relevant when considering how to enjoy a maximum of erotic stimulation.

Tantric massage, in its simplest forms, provides incredible sensual stimulation but it isn’t always available. There are other options, however, that can fill the gaps in between massages, and even become a ‘way of life’ in themselves.

Heightened sensual awareness and erotic stimulation can become a 24/7 experience, constructively blended with regular day to day activity.

It’s just a question of allowing imagination to do its work and not being afraid to actualize and experiment. The trick is to remember that there are many ways to experience personal sensual potential.

Begin to think about what heightens sensual awareness when alone. Self touch and masturbation is enjoyed by most people but is often approached with little conscious awareness.

Conscious self touch, or ‘mindful masturbation’ is a gateway to exploring a much broader potential. Many people work to lengthen and elaborate their solo experiences – start to be conscious of sensual self touch beyond simple genital stimulation. Expand consciousness and sensitization of more body zones.

Mentally associate such ‘distant’ touch with genital stimulation. Very easily it will be possible to find that touch to an unrelated body region will result in deep sensual stimulation. Take your time.

This is the beginning of heightened sensory awareness.

An easy example might be sensations to the feet. We tend to ignore the foot as an erogenous zone, often because convention and practicalities don’t provide much opportunity to use the erotic potential of the foot.

Take every opportunity to be barefoot. Wear shoes that can be slipped off easily and don’t wear socks. Be always aware that erotic sensitivity can be heightened whenever you slip off your shoes.

When sitting use the opportunity to stimulate the feet on the carpet or floor, discreetly. Previous practice associating genital stimulation with foot stimulation it will soon make it possible to raise sensual awareness in ordinary situations without moving immediately to the crotch! Often others will also begin to associate and enjoy the discrete energy.

This is obviously a very simple example – socially safe but full of opportunity. Practice can lead to foot fetishes of all forms – and so can begin a lifestyle.

The same ideas can apply to all other parts of the body – some easier to engage socially than others.

There’s nothing particularly new in discussing these ideas but often the erotic connection is not consciously understood when we seek to enjoy or enhance our bodies.

For example is jewelry worn to please the wearer or the observer? How personal should and can jewelry be?

Earrings are a common adornment, and unremarkable, but it is interesting to explore more deeply, the purpose and potentials of body piercing. Piercings and jewelry can have a clear erotic purpose for the wearer, transmitting that erotic energy to an observer. Additionally piercings can now be very much more visible on body parts that used to be considered too personal to expose.

Tongue and navel piercings are now commonplace and highly visible. It’s possible to practice to associate these areas with erotic self stimulation. Genital piercings and jewelry for males and females are less obvious but are a constant physical stimulation which can be converted into erotic stimulation 24/7. The feel of steel in and against skin and flesh is one of the most erotic stimulants known to many people.

Nipple piercings have a special place in the world of erotic experience.

The male nipple, which carries less social and sexual baggage than the female nipple, is a centre of nerve endings that can easily be developed as a fast track connection to erotic heightened awareness.

Even for those who do not find their nipples particularly sensitive to erotic touch and stimulation, with some practice it becomes very possible to use the nipple as a primary erogenous zone. Some shirt fabrics can stimulate the nipple very effectively at every movement, again providing sustained erotic energy.

It’s easy to understand how constant engagement and attention to these body parts can be considered ‘kinky’ or ‘fetish’. But that is not a reason to deny the sensual and sexual potential. It’s a way of opening the energy of the mind and body to its full potential.

Moving to a bigger canvass, the nude human body can be the most powerful initial stimulant.

Unfortunately modern society often makes it very difficult to enjoy the sensual and sexual potential energy of a naked form, either solo or in company.

Nudity in advertising is expressed all the time but this is one of the instances where the implied message is ‘don’t try this in real life’. It’s suggested that reality may not measure up to the airbrushed magazine images.

But of course it can be stimulating and erotic to be naked, especially among others, and to see others naked.

To a greater or lesser extent we’re all potential voyeurs or exhibitionists.

Many kink and fetish environments allow and encourage nudity for entirely erotic, sensual and sexual potentials.

To enjoy the feeling of the exposed body, complete with the unhidden sexual energy of piercings, make-up, jewelry etc., or entirely unadorned, is a powerful statement and invitation to understand that it’s good to be aware of and in control of the physical body. That it can be good to demonstrate physically what is going on mentally.

Taken as a lifestyle interest, solo and communal nudity can be an enjoyable and powerful ‘fetish’ that is positive and can live in the mind 24/7.

As the physical and mental connections are developed and become part of life, rather than simply reserved for ‘special occasions’, so it becomes increasingly possible to test boundaries and try experiences that at one time seemed too strange.

Now it is possible to be in environments where everybody can be understood as simply enjoying erotic stimulation for its own relaxation and erotic effects. An ‘audience’ is not particularly a necessity. The activities are for the satisfaction of the individual but often an ‘audience’ can enhance the personal experience.

Perhaps the primary message is to welcome and encourage fantasy. There is much energy to be found in dungeon play, BDSM, communal nudity, cross dressing, oil wrestling, tattoos, piercings, foot worship, mindful solo masturbation, communal masturbation, performance art, naked ritual etc. The possibilities are endless, limited only by imagination.

‘Fetishes and kinks’ are positive possibilities. It’s possible to enjoy many or just a few but practice does offer the chance to enhance and enjoy erotic energy when the massage table isn’t available.

Always feel welcome to email or call on this general topic. The ideal is always to encourage sensual and sexual awareness and to use this raised consciousness to enjoy all aspects of sexual life.


Tel: 250-984-7051                          Email:


Heightened Awareness

Heightened Awareness

To invite and experience Tantric Massage can often be an act of courage. Always it is an act of trust.

One true purpose of Tantra is to bring forth energies that lie dormant and to allow those energies to distribute and flow in unique and personal ways.

The effects and experiences can be powerful and ‘electric’ in so many ways. Tantric massage experiences can raise sensual consciousness and awareness to new levels.

Each journey is a unique experience and can frequently include the expectation of the unknown, if that is possible.

It is the process of becoming comfortable with, and conscious of the intensity of the unexplored sensual and sexual possibilities contained in all of us, that fulfills the mission of Tantric Practice.

Exploring these possibilities requires a willingness and ability to open the mind and body unreservedly.

Massage can and should be experienced both passively and actively. In Tantra there is an opportunity to learn how to become conscious of how pleasure is working on the mind. There is a conditioning in today’s life to believe that there is always a division between intellectual consciousness and physical/sexual/sensual consciousness.

Tantric Practice says that there should be no such ‘firewall’. That sexual and sensual experience, if consciously experienced, is not only enhanced but can become ever more part of  intellectual consciousness.

Tantric Practice provides, if nothing else, unusual opportunities to ask and to experience.

Quite soon along the Tantric journey questions arise. Intense arousal and energy have been experienced and often a desire is seeded to wish to repeat and enhance intensity. How to do that is a fundamental question. How does it all work?

The truth is that whatever mode of stimulation has been useful at any time is the correct mode. It’s logical to proceed from there.

Tantric Practice is about the distribution and use of physical and mental energy in sexual and sensual forms.

Tantric Practice encourages the exploration of becoming consciously aware of thoughts and practuces that bring pleasure.

Massage is often the beginning of Tantric Practice because it provides an entirely legitimate reason to receive and explore touch.

This is always a great sensual experience and a fine beginning but the likelihood is that it’s a passive experience. To move further along the Tantric path there is much enhancement to be found in becoming actively conscious of how the body and mind are processing and enjoying.

Ceremony and ritual often feature at this stage but to move too quickly can take things beyond natural comfort zones.

A quiet intermediate introduction stage can be very helpful, prior to ritual and group experiences.

This is the time to find the physical self. We know ourselves as a private image. We present the image that we believe matches the circumstance. While these choices may be entirely correct they are, nonetheless, private choices and incomplete, and the image of how we appear is our private image – an image in our head. How we may be perceived by others is not always accurately known to us.

In Tantrc Practice it’s necessary to make the ‘private’ image, ‘public’ in a sense. That is to say that we want to start to consciously enjoy the actuality of our complete physical being and to share the possibilities that we normally keep private.

So, where the desire is to supplement the massage experience with Tantric Practice please never hesitate to ask how best to move along the Tantric path. There are experiences to be had and enjoyed that combine well with the energy that Tantric massage produces.


Tel: 250-984-7051                  Email:












Protected: Extended Massage & Exchanging Places

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Protected: To Touch or not to Touch?

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